Other Benefits as per Ayurveda
- Helps to give a healthy comfortable feeling.
- Helps to maintain morning regularity.
- Helps to support natural cleansing of the body.
Ayurvedic Herbal Formulation
Stomach Soother Powder helps to maintain the morning regularity and helps to support healthy stomach functions.
Dietary Supplement
- It is a combination of Ayurvedic herbs which have been used in Ayurveda since time immemorial.
- Cooling herbs in nature.
- Helps to maintain regularity.
- Herbal support for digestion and elimination of waste.
- A dietary supplement that contains five herbs known for their highly digestive and fibrous nature.
As per Ayurveda
Due to false eating habits digestive fire gets weakened and food does not digest properly. So the food remains undigested. This undigested food starts to combine with different Doshas (Humours).
It helps to balance excess Pitta (Fire) in body and also helps in healthy digestion of food.
High quality extracts of ayurvedic herbs from their natural habitats.
All the herbs used in this product have a safe history of usage in Ayurveda since the time immemorial. They have very unique benefits with unique herbal properties.
Combined effects of all these herbs formulated in such a way that help to bring all three Doshas (Humors) Vata (air), Pitta (fire) and Kapha (water) in their natural balanced state.
Ayurvedic Lifestyle
- It may be beneficial to take “Stomach D” empty stomach with the water of overnight soaked Cumin Seeds (Cuminum Cyminum) Powder.
- It may be beneficial to have regular use of Sat Isabgol (plantago psyllium whole) mixed with sugar and yogurt (curd) in daily diet (few times a day) as per requirement before meals.
Directions for Use
Adults: Place 10 to 30 Gms of Stomach Soother in a large pot. Add 10 times the amount of water and let it soak overnight in the refrigerator. Product will expand. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach adding milk, soy milk or any juice. Add sugar or honey to take.
- Intake of incompatible food items and Liquids, Heavy Substances, New Cereals, Sour Food, Use of excessive cold and hot food.
- Children to use under the supervision of a health practitioner.
Best Use With
- Use with Gastro Care for healthy digestion of food.
- To neutralize acidic pitta (fire) dosha (Humor) that is formed in the stomach this product can be used with Netacid.
- Use with Stomach D for healthy appetite and stomach functions.
- For healthy diet fit and lean health, use it with Reslim.
- For natural cleansing the body uses it with Blood Cleaner or “Silfina MTL Detox”.
Pregnant/Lactating women, children or anyone with known pre-existing condition should strictly take under the advice of a healthcare provider. Keep away from the reach of children. It is always beneficial to take the advise of a healthcare provider/practitioner before taking any supplement.
Color, Taste, Aroma of the product may change from batch to batch.
Tested for quality purity and heavy metal standards.
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. HerbsForever is not responsible for any misuse, harm, or damage by the product in any context. The full extent of these herbs and supplement’s actions may never be completely known. It does not represent medical advice. It does not replace or substitute your physician and his prescribed treatment. Please read all the ingredients of the herb/composition carefully and do not use them if you are allergic to any of the ingredients used in the herb/composition.